Enter a magical realm with the Boletus Lumos Shadow Lamp, a popular and trending product on TikTok. This lamp is meticulously crafted with durable hardwood and high-quality cast acrylic, and its three-dimensional mushroom design brings a touch of nature into any room. As you turn it on, it creates a warm and inviting glow while casting intricate and hypnotic shadows on the walls. Its exceptional design and expert workmanship make it a perfect addition to your home decor. Moreover, with its increasing social media following, it's an ideal gift for anyone who wants to add a whimsical touch to their lives.
Boletus Lumos By Joe Zado Exclusively for The Lucid Bazaar
Acrylic prism lamp with stained maple hardwood trim. Includes turn knob as an on/off switch and dimmer controls.
Low energy usage and compatible with 12V DC battery packs that use 5.5x2.1mm plug (Sold separately).
Comes with a US power supply.
Shadows project over 15 feet, colors project over 20.
Dimmer range : 40 - 800 Lumens (As dim as two candles to as bright as a car's headlight. Please do not stare directly into the light source.)
Lamp Base : 7.5" diameter
Lamp Height : 8"
Lamp Width : 9.25"
Cord length: 36"
The inside of the lamp becomes an infinity-prism when turned on.
Each is handmade, and they take time, so we appreciate your patience as we produce and test each lamp before shipping. :)